FUTEK .NET API Documentation
FUTEK_USB_DLL Assembly / FUTEK_USB_DLL Namespace / USB_DLL Class / Set_Calibration_Mode Method
Type: System.IntPtr
The handle associated with the USB device.
Type: System.Byte
The potentiometer number associated with the USB device.
Type: System.Byte
The adjustment associated with the USB device.
Type: System.Byte
The channel number associated with the USB device.

In This Topic
    Set_Calibration_Mode Method
    In This Topic
    Warning: The use of this function can affect the factory calibration of the USB device.
    Sets the calibration mode associated with the digital components of the USB device.
    Public Function Set_Calibration_Mode( _
       ByVal DeviceHandle As IntPtr, _
       ByVal PotentiometerNumber As Byte, _
       ByVal Adjustment As Byte, _
       Optional ByVal ChannelNumber As Byte _
    ) As String
    Dim instance As USB_DLL
    Dim DeviceHandle As IntPtr
    Dim PotentiometerNumber As Byte
    Dim Adjustment As Byte
    Dim ChannelNumber As Byte
    Dim value As String
    value = instance.Set_Calibration_Mode(DeviceHandle, PotentiometerNumber, Adjustment, ChannelNumber)


    Type: System.IntPtr
    The handle associated with the USB device.
    Type: System.Byte
    The potentiometer number associated with the USB device.
    Type: System.Byte
    The adjustment associated with the USB device.
    Type: System.Byte
    The channel number associated with the USB device.

    Return Value

    Type: System.String
    A value equal to 0; otherwise Error
    The PotentiometerNumber can be used to select which potentiometer is going to be assigned a value.
    The Adjustment can be used to select the calibration mode, direction and size of the adjustment.

    Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 11

    Target Framework: .NET Framework 4.8 or later

    See Also


    USB_DLL Class
    USB_DLL Members

